Animation Community FSTVS Launches Website for Crew Recruitment

Helping studios find crew and crew find careers.

With the launch of their new website, FSTVS has become the destination for all your animation recruitment needs. Whether you’re a studio about to crew up or a worker in animation looking for your next job, FSTVS can help you!

From starting in London in the early 2000s, the FESTIVUS community has grown over 20 years, via regular in-person events and an active social media presence, to being a hub of animation talent, with over 11,000 global members.

FSTVS is the next stage in expanding this community, answering increased demand for recruitment support across the animation sector, to reach more industry professionals, animation students, and recent graduates, to offer more work opportunities as well as industry specific news, updates, programs, and offers.

Simplify your animation recruitment with FSTVS here: