MEDIA Results – Irish Co-development & TV Funding Success!

We are delighted to share more good news from our colleagues at Creative Europe Media Desk – Ireland, about funding awarded to Irish audio-visual companies! Irish companies have received two TV funding awards and eight co-development awards, demonstrating a significant increase in funding compared to the previous year.

The MEDIA Co-development Funding award supports the co-development of various content, including animation, fiction, and creative documentaries for cinema, TV, or digital platforms. Irish companies are involved as lead applicants or partners in collaborations with companies from France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Italy, and Sweden.

Animation projects funded under the co-development scheme include:

  • “The Olive Bunch” by Daily Madness, collaborating with partners from Cyprus;
  • “Kindred Spirits” by Cartoon Saloon, with a French partner;
  • and “Klincus Corteccia” by Telegael Teoranta, among others.

The funding provided by Creative Europe MEDIA is vital for the animation industry, as it enables studios to nurture co-production relationships and develop high-quality animated content. For example, Cartoon Saloon expresses their delight in receiving funding for their project “Kindred Spirits,” a beautifully handcrafted feature film that will be co-produced with Folivari.

The success of Irish animation companies in securing European co-development funding showcases their ability to collaborate internationally and work on projects with partners from various European countries. It also provides smaller companies with opportunities to participate in European-level projects, contributing to the growth and recognition of Ireland’s animation industry on the global stage.

As the next round of MEDIA funding calls is expected to be announced in September 2023, Animation Ireland members are encouraged to sign up for the newsletter to stay updated on funding opportunities and events in the industry.

More details and full article here.