New episodes of Irish animated series Ollie will land on RTÉjr from Monday
13 th July and continue throughout the summer!
Ollie is an animated series for children 3 to 5 years, featuring a new forest
favourite, Ollie the owl. Right in the middle of a very busy city, there is a peaceful place. It’s a cosy park, closed off and forgotten, a true oasis. This is where you will find Ollie,the little blue owl and his friends – a small stork, a young frog and five little birds.
Join in the summer fun with new Ollie episodes including Butterflies, Catching Rainbows and Ladybird, Ladybird.
The show, which first launched on RTÉjr last December, has since spread its
wings and is now available on NRK in Norway, RTL in the Netherlands, YLE
in Finland and Ketnet in Belgium.
In celebration of summer (and to keep the kids busy!) the Ollie team will be
releasing a new activity sheet each week, beginning Friday 17 th July with
suggestions of fun kid-friendly crafts and games. These will all be found on
the Ollie website (ollieseries.com) and Ink & Light social media pages
(@InkAndLightFilm on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest).
Everyone is invited to post their own activities with the hashtag #OllieSummerActivities Ollie is produced by Lunanime, Ink and Light and Storyline and distributed by BETA Film. Like many animated shows being produced in Ireland, it completed production during the pandemic, determined to share its positive message and fun with Irish audiences this summer.
The series is supported by Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland, RTÉjr, Ketnet, VAF, Screen Flanders, Creative Europe MEDIA, Lum.Invest, The Belgian Taxshelter for Film Finance and received support of incentives for the Irish Film Industry provided by the Government of Ireland.
Watch Ollie on RTÉjr weekdays at 10am and also on the RTÉ player.
Please note: Tamsin Lyons is available for interview.