Research carried out as part of Skillnet Ireland’s Industry Insights series highlights how digital transformation and converging technologies are key to the long-term success of the Irish screen industries.
The Digital Transformation in the Screen Industries report was commissioned by Animation Skillnet in collaboration with Skillnet Ireland with research carried out by Strategic Innovation Partners.
The report finds that for Ireland to continue its role as a global leader in the creative screen industries, it is vital that the talent base reflects not just the current business demands, but also the challenges of future growth in existing and new markets.
A Feasibility Study for a Screen Industry Innovation Lab (SIIL) was commissioned by Screen Skillnet in collaboration with Skillnet Ireland with the research carried out by Tech Ireland.
Digital Transformation in the Screen Industries
The Digital Transformation in the Screen Industries report provides a number of action-oriented case studies on the impact of digital transformation on the future of work in the creative screen industries in Ireland. By examining the way in which a number of leading organisations have integrated digital technologies, solutions and approaches into their operations, it is intended that a better understanding of both the opportunities and challenges will emerge. The case studies further explore key drivers, outcomes and results of the changes, challenges encountered and lessons learned to inform future practice.
Feasibility Study for SIIL
The Feasibility Study for SIIL which engaged businesses within the sector reveals there is overwhelming support for a Screen Industries Innovation Lab. The Lab would form an umbrella space for the screen industries of film, animation, games, augmented and virtual reality technologies to come together to drive innovation, enable collaboration, and make Ireland a global leader in the future of content production.
The study notes there is a consensus that SIIL should focus on Training, Research, Information Sharing, and Collaboration, with physical and online elements. The study also proposes that the physical space for the Lab would ideally be co-located with digital production training facilities and research facilities. Meanwhile, the online element should focus on the meeting of minds, fostering a network for cooperation and collaboration and building a community.
Learn More
Read the full Digital Transformation in the Screen Industries report here.