CCIS with Screen Ireland launch New Round of Animation & VFX Pathways Fund

About the Funding

Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland through Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet are providing €100,000 in funding that will be used to provide work opportunities on productions for those from diverse and under-represented communities and those where access to the industry would historically be limited.

The Pathways funding scheme particularly welcomes applications from producers for proposals that support overcoming barriers for under-represented participants/individuals wishing to transition from other sectors and those who wish to return to the screen sector after a period of absence. The scheme also welcomes proposals that aim to address gender and diversity balance in specific Departments and Roles where gender and diversity would historically be skewed. The scheme is particularly focused on supporting opportunities that offer significant career advancement to participants/individuals especially in priority areas where significant skills gaps exist (as identified in government and sectoral skills reports). The scheme is particularly supportive of opportunities where someone is stepping up to a new role to advance their career and where significant barriers to taking on this opportunity exist.


  • It is preferable for applications to be submitted before production commences.
  • Productions that are up and running already can still apply as long as the production is ongoing.
  • Productions that are up and running and have already introduced a DEI initiative/activity as part of the production can submit an application as long as this DEI initiative/activity is ongoing.
  • Productions that are completed cannot apply retrospectively.

For the purposes of the Pathways Diversity, Equity and Inclusion funding scheme, diversity in terms of underrepresentation within the screen industry generally covers the following grounds:

  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Family status
  • Parenting and Caring Responsibilities
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Geographic Location
  • Regional (outside Dublin and Wicklow)
  • Language
  • Sexual orientation
  • Ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Membership of the Traveller community
  • Socioeconomic disadvantage

Funding Amounts

  • Producers from the Animation & VFX sectors can apply for a funding award of up to a maximum of €10,000 per production/project.
  • A higher funding award may be considered if the production is offering exceptional ED&I opportunities (following review by the awarding panel).
  • More than one application per annum per company/producer is allowed with a maximum allowance of €20,000 per annum per company/producer.
  • In exceptional circumstances the upper limit may be reviewed at the discretion of the funding scheme panel.

Applications will only be considered if the producer company has obtained funding from a Broadcaster, or from Coimisiún na Meán, has an international co-production with an Irish producer, qualifies for S481 tax funding, or Screen Ireland funding, for a feature length film or a television series. Or in the case of VFX, the company is working on the VFX elements of an S481 funded project or is working on the VFX elements of a high-end international feature or TV series.

For more info check out:

CCIS website:

Screen Ireland’s website: