ANIMATION IRELAND & FÍS ÉIREANN le tacaíocht ó Scilíonra Teicneolaíochtaí Tumthacha  CISTE NUÁLAÍOCHTA BEOCHANA AGUS  FORBARTHA TUMTHAIGH 2022 Ag tacú le Forbairt MI (IP) agus le Scéalaíocht Nua agus Nuálach Tar éis chéad leagan na tionscnaíochta seo sa bhliain 2021, tá an dara leithdháileadh maoinithe €350,000 curtha ar fáil ag Fís Éireann / Screen Ireland i gcomhar le hÉirebheochana agus... Read more...

Course: An Introduction to Writing for Children’s Animation in Ireland

A Skills Development Opportunity for Underrepresented Writers Animation Ireland is pleased to support “An Introduction to Writing for Children’s Animation In Ireland”; a course hosted by Animation Skillnet, in collaboration with Screen Skillnet, Screen Ireland, Cartoon Saloon, Brown Bag Films and 9 Story Media Group. This upskilling opportunity is co-funded through the BAI Sectoral Learning and Development Fund.  We are committed... Read more...

New Freelancers Guide Launched for Irish Screen Sector

Animation Ireland, Animation Skillnet, Screen Ireland and Screen Skillnet have today launched an online Freelancer’s Guide –  The Freelancer’s Guide was created to support freelancers across the Irish animation and screen industries. The site functions as a manual and directory, offering guidance in the areas of personal development, business, and marketing. The website was developed with the support of... Read more...