The shortlist for the 2021 Business to Arts Awards was announced and BBF are delighted to be listed under the Judges’ Special Recognition Award for our partnership with Children’s Books Ireland on Bookbag, our book gifting initiative.
November 2020 saw our sixth rollout of Bookbag delivered in a new virtual format to St Catherine’s Infant School, where over 400 books were received and artists collaborated to organise an EPIC Monster Doodle with the classrooms.

The Business to Arts Awards recognise businesses, philanthropists, artists and arts organisations that develop creative partnerships. Shortlisted partnerships focus on arts sponsorship, commissioning of artist, staff engagement and CSR initiatives, philanthropy and community engagement. Many of the collaborations are the result of long-term relationships. All of the shortlist demonstrate the importance of supporting the arts and the impact that can be made by quality partnerships.
A huge congrats to our friends at Children’s Books Ireland for receiving shortlistings in three categories for the Business to Arts Awards.
BBF are incredibly proud of the continued success and growth of Bookbag and thrilled to be nominated again!
The 2021 Business to Arts Awards will be broadcast online on April 21st from the GPO at 5pm.
You can RSVP here to receive access details to watch this year’s ceremony.