In November 2019, Women in Animation Ireland held their annual Creative Christmas Party, in partnership with Animation Ireland, Animation Skillnet and Screen Skills Ireland. Once again, the event was a huge success, with a huge turnout from the animation.
This year’s event also featured a Frameworks panel discussion earlier in the day, where previous Frameworks Filmmakers joined us to discuss their experience of creating a film for the scheme. Hosted by WIA board member, Kristina Yee, the panel featured Carol Freeman and Jonathan Clarke (‘Bird and the Whale’, Paper Panther) Niamh Herrity (‘Departure’, Pink Kong), Nuria Blanco and Louise Bagnall (‘Late Afternoon’, Cartoon Saloon), Aidan O’Sullivan (‘Nitelink’, RADII)
“As always, Creative Christmas provides an amazing opportunity for the animation community to gather together and celebrate another year of achievements. The event has been very kindly supported by Animation Ireland, Animation Skillnet and Screen Skills Ireland who help to make these events such a huge success. Well done to everyone for all your hard work in 2019, and we cannot wait to see you all at our next ‘Thirsty Thursday’ event in 2020.” Lindsey Adams, of Daily Madness Productions and Chair of WIA.
WIA Ireland has an exciting new project that will be launched next February, so please do keep an eye on our Facebook page for more details.