Pink Kong Studios, Planet Park, is the first of its kind and boldly goes where no pre-school adventure has gone before! This is the ultimate outdoor adventure in Space!
Planet Park is an animated comedy-adventure series (52x11min), set in the Universe’s first National Park, an entire planet in another Galaxy far from our own. A unique setting for adventure and high jinks. The series stars four young fearless female rangers of multi-planetary origin who join forces to tackle the greatest job in the Galaxy, caring for Planet Park’s delicate eco-system and its unusual animal and plant life.
Our lead characters are eco-conscious and driven by their love of the great outdoors and a desire to protect it. The Planet Park rangers have very diverse physical attributes, abilities and wide-ranging skillsets. The cast is a celebration of individuality and inclusivity, with a place for everyone on the team!
Pink Kong Studios strives to create characters that challenge traditional gender roles and Park rangers ZEEK, EETA, ZIZZ & KUKU do just that. These Technicians, Pilots, Survivalists and Action Heroines come from different planets around the Galaxy, and together as a team are always ready to rush fearlessly to the rescue of their beloved Planet Park. This series features a strong female ensemble cast, provides a comedic action-packed thrill ride and cleverly weaves in an awareness of the environment that is so important to kids today.

Young environmental activists led by Greta Thunberg remind us that caring for the environment is at the forefront of children’s minds. Planet Park responds in a timely way, giving young viewers a show that reflects themselves and those issues that are important to them, and underlining the fact that no child is too small to make a difference.
The concept is an original idea from Pink Kong Studios Co-Founder Aoífe Doyle and stems from a love of nature and the outdoors. The garden of her childhood home, nestling amidst the surrounding concrete housing estates, was a green oasis full of interesting bugs, plants and animals. Family excursions to the local mountains to walk woods, trails and lakesides led to the inspiration of Planet Park.
Whilst Planet Park is a show about Park rangers in Space, the heart of the series is about the joy of being in Nature and the need to look after it, encouraging Kids to explore the great outdoors and be mindful of their surroundings.
Watch the trailer here!
Planet Park was funded with the help of Screen Ireland, is in advanced development and is actively seeking partners to join this great adventure!
For more information contact: niamh@pinkkongstudios.ie