2021 ends with several good news stories from our members and we would like to join them with a few announcements of our own!
We would like to start by wishing Aisling Conroy the very best on her new adventures in Animation and Visual Arts! Aisling has been with us for over 4 years and we would like to thank her for all her work and support over this time.
We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce our new team members:
Deirdre Barry joined us back in September as the Programme Director for the new National Talent Academy for Animation, to be launched in January 2022. Deidre has over 25 years of experience in the global animation industry, having started her career in Los Angeles for HBO. Members will know her as previous Head of Production for Monster Entertainment, Ceo of Salty Dog Pictures and CEO of Avalon Films.
Delphine Coudray joined us in October as Head of Operations, after working for two years and a half at Animation Skillnet as Courses & Events Coordinator. Previously, Delphine studied Animation at Ballyfermot College and has over 22 years experience in a variety of roles in the Arts & cultural sector, mainly producing, coaching and writing for Live Performance.
Joseph Orr just started with us last week to complete the team as our new Administrator across both Animation Ireland and the Talent Academy for Animation! Joseph previously worked as Studio production Manager for Catalyst Media (Dublin Tech Summit) and head of Content with Createschool. Passionate about Animation, he also runs an Animation Podcast on Youtube.
We welcome Deirdre, Delphine and Joseph who are joining Ronan McCabe, CEO of Animation Ireland and the board of directors: Moe Honan, Chair (Moetion Films), Louise Cornally (Brown Bag Films), Mark Cumberton (Jam Media), Claire Finn (Lighthouse Studios), Niamh Herrity (Pink Kong Studios), Katja Schumann (Cartoon Saloon) and Alex Sherwood (Giant).