Cardel Entertainment just finished their first animation production during lockdown for French electro pop artist French79’s latest single ‘The Remedy’. The animated music video directed by Daniel Stankler depicts the story of a boy who explores an abandoned fairground one night in Marseille.
The Remedy was also selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick!
“The French 79 album, ‘Joshua’, is about [founder Simon Henner’s] childhood in Marseille, and so Marseille was quite important for the film.
“Alter-K wanted something upbeat, nostalgic, and capable of featuring the recurring motifs that French79 music videos often include. The French79 album, Joshua, is inspired by the Artist’s Simon Henner’s childhood growing up in Marseille, and the client requested that Marseille feature heavily in the film as the backdrop to the animation. A sense that the setting is also, in some way, a character in the film was an idea I began to play with during production.
I wanted a Spielberg-esque sense of youthful, anything-can-happen optimism, so devised the storyline to achieve these goals – a kid explores an abandoned fairground at night, where the fairground rides comes to life. The song is quite long, so made challenging use of repeated elements. The film was also a chance to develop my character work, which I’m always keen to further explore in my work.” – Stankler
Animated and Directed by Daniel Stankler

Production Company: Cardel
Producers: Carla Mooney, Delwyn Mooney
Animation Assistant: Natasza Cetner