Boulder Media Continues Recruitment for Upcoming Projects at Annecy MIFA

Boulder Media was delighted to have a stand once again at The Annecy Festival, our first time back since 2019! It was wonderful to reconnect with our business partners, new clients and the wonderful talent in our industry! We were kept busy throughout the festival, and we got the opportunity to reinvigorate our presence in the market and to make important new connections. 

Students, experienced talent and industry giants were out in force and Boulder got to liaise and connect across the festival week. We are growing our team for some amazing Prime Time Shows that kick off from this month and it was the ideal opportunity to represent Boulder to our international industry audience.

Bento Box Entertainment, who are a key client of Boulder Media and Princess Pictures Australia (our Parent Company) joined us in Annecy and it was a special opportunity to come together as a united team.

There were lots of competitions across the week and some lucky winners got a Boulder Hoodie as their prize – it was very well received by all winners!

Captain Fall Trailer Released on Netflix!

We were excited to see the Captain Fall trailer released on Netflix recently. The Boulder team worked so hard on this last year and to see it on Netflix is very rewarding. It is our second adult prime time show for Netflix. Check it out!

You Belong Programme
Boulder staff recently participated in a nice programme called “You Belong”, with our learning partner. It was centred around the workplace and finding your identity and even though it was delivered remotely, we took the opportunity to gather and learn together in one space. It was a very comprehensive 4-week programme which tied in nicely into our Pride month celebrations.