Q: Do games qualify?

A: Exploration of any creative endeavour which benefits creative teams working with the animation sector is welcomed.

Q: Does the idea or concept have to be proprietorial to an Irish entity?

A: As with all our funding, the ambition and focus is in Irish entities who have clear control of the opportunity proposed. However, collaboration is also recognised as a fundamental part of any growth trajectory, once we can see clear benefit to the Irish market, Irish creatives and the Irish Animation sector.

Q: How will a studio repay funding if their idea is an internal software or pipeline innovation?

A: The support is a grant and does not need to be repaid.

Q: Will the fund support funding based on an innovative business plan for a new studio?

A: Submissions (recognising the size of the fund) for business planning are welcome. The main focus however, is to evolve at a project and creative level new areas of opportunity – this can lean into some new technological and business investments which ideally realise a pipeline of new creative work in the short to medium term. A balance and line will however be struck between local level investment and the broader significantly larger industrial investment asks or requirements which can lean on other external investment, enterprise agencies and initiatives for support and funding. 

Q: What level of ownership should the borrowing company have in the projects they wish to submit for development funding under the Concept & Innovation Fund and what agreements need to be in place for Screen Ireland?  

This can vary depending on the nature of the project.

In the context of material/IP to be owned and controlled by the borrowing company, documentation that evidences the borrowing company’s connection/ownership to the material/IP or indicates how you will be connected to the IP is required. This type of documentation can include an option agreement or shopping type agreement. At application stage this documentation can be in draft form however if the application is successful all such documentation will be required to be fully and properly signed in order to draw down any funds awarded.

In addition to the above, in the context of material/IP not originated by the borrowing company or that is not solely generated by the borrowing company but is co-developed, the relevant documentation should include a form of co-development agreement. At application stage this agreement can be in draft form however if the application is successful any such agreement will be required to be fully and properly signed in order to draw down any funds awarded.

When finalising any development funding contract, the goal is to see that the borrowing company either owns or has a share of the copyright in the material/IP that they are developing with the award of funding. Screen Ireland will not take a deed of charge