Brewster the Rooster is Going Into Production!

We are delighted to announce that Salty Dog Pictures has completed financing on its new preschool series, Brewster the Rooster! The show will premiere on RTE Junior in 2017. We are also proud to have Monster Entertainment distributing the show worldwide. Brewster the Rooster was pitched at Cartoon Forum in 2015 and will have the distinct honour of going into production within a year of pitching in Toulouse.

The show is based on the book “Brewster the Rooster” by Clifford Parrott, (Creator of Disney’s Duck & Walrus, Professor Owl’s Class, and co-creator of RTE Junior’s Inis Spraoi). The 26 x 7 minute series follows the inquisitive Brewster and his 6-year-old friend Maggie and their inimitable style of imagining possible answers to a preschooler’s questions.

Whenever one of their friends ponders a subject such as; ‘If fish live in water, what do they like to drink?’ Brewster and Maggie hold hands, do a little tap dance and open their imaginations. Through creative thinking, they come up with many possible answers, always positively building upon everyone’s ideas. They’ll take young viewers on a journey of discovery in a way that will not only entertain, but will get their creative thinking caps on!