Animation Ireland members Cartoon Saloon and Pink Kong Studios will feature in the 2018 Audi Dublin International Film Festival, which returns this year with over 100 films scheduled to screen across Dublin from February 21st to March 4th.
Now in its 16th year, the festival prides itself on creating a programme which showcases the very best in international film and attracts high quality producers, writers, directors and actors. In the past, the festival has welcomed stars such as Al Pacino, Julie Andrews, Danny DeVito, Richard Gere and Russell Crowe to Dublin. This year’s line-up includes guest appearances from Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara, Vanessa Redgrave, Bill Pullman, Cillian Murphy and Moe Dunford.
This year’s festival has a great selection of top Irish productions on offer across the two weeks, following another strong year for Irish film and animation, with the inclusion of the Immersive Stories Virtual Reality Conference. ADIFF are providing festival-goers with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the future of entertainment with an exciting new conference and exhibition, Immersive Stories on virtual and augmented reality.
Pink Kong Studios will premiere AURORA at ADIFF 2018 and is the centre piece of The Immersive Stories, Virtual Reality Conference. AURORA is a story of peaceful reflection, fleeting awe inspiring moments of interaction with characters that dot the films timeline. Immersed in powerful visuals and sounds of nature, the time-lapse style narrative of this virtual reality piece is sure to conjure up feelings of nostalgia. With mesmerizing imagery and an emotive storyline “AURORA” offers a captivating experience for the viewer and invites us to reflect on the nature of time itself. For more info about Aurora and to get your tickets visit.
The Breadwinner (Nora Twomey / Cartoon Saloon) will premiere Thursday, February 22nd at Cineworld . Q&A to follow with the Director.
Irish filmmaker and animator Nora Twomey makes her solo directorial debut in this acclaimed feature that takes viewers to the streets of Afghanistan via Kilkenny’s Cartoon Saloon.The film follows Parvana, an 11-year-old girl whose family struggles for a better life under Taliban rule. Based on Deborah Ellis’s novel, Parvana disguises herself as a boy to help her family survive following the wrongful arrest of her father. Twomey’s powerful film drew the attention of UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie, who is executive producer.
For more info and to download the ADIFF schedule, visit Dublin International Film Festival