About Animation Ireland

Animation Ireland is the representative body for the animation industry on the island of Ireland, encompassing forty-four leading studios that employ over 2,500 full-time professionals. Our members are at the forefront of global animation, producing award-winning content that reaches diverse audiences in over 180 countries. From animated films and television series to innovative digital content, our studios are recognised as world leaders, creating high-value employment and driving significant investment across all regions of Ireland.

What We Do

Animation Ireland represents the excellence of Ireland’s animation content creation and production to both national and international audiences. We position animation as an essential component of Ireland’s creative and screen industries, providing a cohesive voice for our studios and advocating for government, policy makers, and stakeholders to support the continued development of a world-class animation industry.

We build strong partnerships to drive innovation, address shared industry challenges, and enhance the competency of our sector through targeted programmes and initiatives in collaboration with education and training partners. By providing vital information and support to our member studios, we enable them to thrive in the competitive global marketplace.

Our Impact

The Irish animation industry has been a cornerstone of Ireland’s digital and creative economy, significantly contributing to the country’s digital and green economies. Animation plays a pivotal role in enhancing Ireland’s global competitiveness and in projecting Ireland’s cultural and creative “soft power” on the world stage.

Ireland is one of the best places in Europe and the World to produce animation. Ireland has one of the best Tax Credits in Europe, with up to 32% tax credit available on eligible Irish expenditure. The Irish passion for storytelling and the arts has created a culture perfectly suited for world class animation studios to thrive upon.

To become a member or to advertise for jobs you can contact us on support@animationireland.com

Animation Ireland is proud to manage:

The National Talent Academy for Animation

The Animation, Innovation & Immersive Storytelling Development Fund

The Irish Animation Awards

Animation Ireland Meitheal

Animation Ireland Board

CEO: Ronan McCabe

Industry Chair: Moe Honan, Moetion Films

Louise Cornally, Brown Bag Films

Mark Cumberton, Jam Media

Ian Hamilton, Elk Studios

Conor Harrington, Trinity Pictures

Marc Jordan, Lighthouse Studios

Catherine Keane, Cartoon Saloon

Colm Tyrrell, Boulder Media

Supported by: Delphine Coudray, Head of Operations

Róisín Chapman, Administrator

Animation Ireland trading as The Association of Animation Producers in Ireland is a company limited by guarantee.

The Association of Animation Producers in Ireland Ltd,
Suite 315, Guinness Enterprise Centre (GEC), Taylor’s Lane, The Liberties, Dublin 8, D08 YPP9

Co Reg number: 556477

Partner Organisations