Giant Animation: Ready Steady Pitch! @Cartoon Forum- 4pm in the Pink Room


“Knuckle” is an action adventure show that follows a team of mighty warriors from Earth’s history – a Knight, a Ninja, a Samurai, an Apache, a Gladiator and a Viking who have been summoned to the future to stop an intergalactic evil from destroying the universe… along with the help of their 14 year old leader, Jake. Their dangerous quest takes them on a breakneck journey across strange and distant worlds where they’ll face deadly enemies, battle unstoppable hordes and ultimately have to overcome their own differences to become the heroes the universe needs them to be.

TV series – 26 x 22′ – Children 6-10

2D Computer – 3D Computer – Cross-media concept

Pitching in the Pink Room on Wed 13th Sept @4pm

PRODUCER: Giant Animation